April Photo Challenge!

This month’s challenge began with me in Ireland, as is reflected in my initial images. My Burren Way trek took me to Cliffs of Moher (“Bokeh”), Cahercommaun Fort (“Next to You”), and the Aran island of Inis Mór (“A is for…”). Listening to music (“Table”) and sipping tea (“Comfort”) highlight two of my favorite indoor activities.

I captured one of my more powerful, to me, photos (“Outside”) while wandering around St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin. The memorial commemorating the famine struck me as important, especially since I hadn’t previously noted many monuments about the famine. I first took a photo of the full installation of emaciated individuals before choosing to focus on one person feeding another with a spoon. I feel this close-up more poignantly tells the story.

Returning home, I had to snap a pic of Sheila (“Hair”), knowing that pretty much any prompt would work for her! Given that the prompt “Date Night” occurred two days after I returned, there was no choice but to babysit so I could take this photo! 🙂

My mother-in-law, Maxine (z”l), analyzed astrological charts and handwrote her results. For “Handwriting,” I took a random shot of the scroll she wrote for me. Shocked, I noticed that the part that was in focus said I’m “genial, optimistic, tolerant, and happy.” Yes, Maxini, I am!


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
April 1:  Bokeh April 11:  Hair April 21:  Your Neighborhood
April 2:  Table April 12:  Small April 22:  Earth Day
April 3:  Favorite Time of Day April 13:  Date Night April 23:  Favorite Flower
April 4:  Cereal April 14:  Peaches April 24:  Potato
April 5:  Next to You April 15:  Periwinkle April 25:  Passover
April 6:  Comfort April 16:  Refreshing April 26:  Nature
April 7:  Games April 17:  Spoon April 27:  Kids
April 8:  Golden April 18:  Lines April 28:  Handwriting
April 9:  A is for… April 19:  Food April 29: Graffiti
April 10:  Outside April 20:  Sidewalk April 30:  Kiss

April 1:  Bokeh

April 2:  Table

April 3:  Favorite Time of Day

April 4:  Cereal

April 5:  Next to You

April 6:  Comfort

April 7:  Games

April 8:  Golden

April 9:  A is for…

April 10:  Outside

April 11:  Hair

April 12:  Small

April 13:  Date Night

April 14:  Peaches

April 15:  Periwinkle

April 16:  Refreshing

April 17:  Spoon

April 18:  Lines

April 19:  Food

April 20:  Sidewalk

April 21:  Your Neighborhood

April 22:  Earth Day

April 23:  Favorite Flower

April 24:  Potato

April 25:  Passover

April 26:  Nature

April 27:  Kids

April 28:  Handwriting

April 29:  Graffiti

April 30:  Kiss

8 thoughts on “April

  1. Nice work! I particularly like the perspective on “handwriting”—very nice use of limited depth of field. Also, nice work figuring out how to keep the gold and make the rest of the photo B&W. Have you mastered a new skill?

    • I was surprised when I read what my camera had captured. It’s like Maxine, whom I miss so much, was sending me a message.

      For processing photos, I use Lightroom. By fiddling with the individual saturation levels, I was able to isolate the gold. It’s a technique I’m having fun playing with.

  2. Mary K Dowell says:

    I related to your travel picture of the cairns — I too build them and they are all around our yard here in Norco, CA, from rocks I gathered on our Jeeping trips all over the country. I have also built them along off road trails through the years; at Buddah Beach in Sedona, AZ; and even made one for a final in one of my classes and composed a poem to accompany it as I built it in class…

    • It’s great seeing cairns all over; they’re especially helpful on a hike when I’m having difficulty finding the trail.

      Please email your poem to me. I’d love to read it!

  3. Eric Burke says:

    Beautiful reflection, the pictures look amazing. I’m glad you’re enjoying the adventure of retirement.

  4. Judi Leader says:

    You’ve come a long way girl! Your photos show thought and humor and a respect for your subject. So glad you’re enjoying your retirement artistically and lovingly! Thanks for sharing! 💖

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