I can’t believe this is the end of the second month of my cross country adventure! A few of my reflections…
State parks: Although national parks often contain the most magnificent sites, state parks ROCK! State parks highlight sweet wonders of that state and offer some of the most comfortable, well-appointed, and reasonable campgrounds. Some weekends, these parks fill with locals – children running around and riding bikes – very nice! During the week, everything quiets down and the atmosphere relaxes.
Fly swatter: Most of you know that I’m a vegetarian – technically, a pescatarian since I eat fish! However, I have grown to appreciate my fly swatter. “Fly, you’re outta here!”
Midwesterners: Whenever possible, I chat with locals. I am much more impressed with the kindness, generosity, and warmth of midwesterners than many of those I interacted with in the northern plain states.
“Favorites”: A few friends and acquaintances ask me what my favorite places to visit have been. Other than saying a forest hike to a waterfall, I can’t answer this! Every day – or nearly every day – I see an amazing site, have a terrific conversation, learn something new…
Overload: That being said, I have learned – or am learning! – that I don’t need to fill every day with so much activity. Go, go, go…and then I crash and need to take a break. I am beginning to get better at recognizing the signs that I need to slow down, relax, breathe…
Public spaces: Whether it’s gardens, sculptures, statues, or any other form of public art, I marvel at what cities and towns create in their public spaces. Along with the natural beauty I’ve witnessed, I savor the beauty displayed in older town squares or revitalized municipal districts.
Humidity: Humidity sucks! I can handle, to a certain degree, dry heat. Humidity saps my energy, strength, and motivation! I knew August in the midwest would present weather issues, and I was right. I look forward to cooler and less humid weather.
The world: I can’t end my reflections without acknowledging what is happening in our world – Afghanistan, Hurricane Ida, COVID, climate crisis, poverty, “otherizing” people, political divisiveness, … Please know that I recognize what is going on outside of my mobile bubble.
South Dakota
























The Fleming Family


Ricky and David


Jeffrey and Kristen

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