For my final stop on this mini-California adventure, I met my friend Nanine at the Napa Elks, a beautiful location, friendly lodge, and great walking area.  Who else goes to Napa, has no wine, and walks 13 miles in one day?  Nanine and me!  Not that we didn’t drink.  The Elks Lodge has Taco Tuesdays and provides out-of-towners free second drinks in its bar.


Napa Elks Lodge – Beautiful!


Addie looks a bit small compared to Nanine’s new rig!


Nanine snapped this picture of me taking photos for my photography class


Ziploc wallet – of course!


Napa 9/11 Memorial

A side benefit of leaving my awning behind at my Arcata friends’ house is I get to visit Kate and Chuck – and hike in their community forest.  Earlier today, Kate, along with her golden retriever, BJ, and I hiked for over seven miles in the Arcata Community Forest.  We spent over four hours in the forest – all three of us taking our time.  BJ, who is now blind after necessary surgery one month ago, did a terrific job finding the trail and following directions.  Kate, who knows every flower, tree, and plant, showed me flora I had never before noticed.  And me, capturing a slew of photos all along the way.

Arcata Community Forest










After relaxing at the beach, it was time to return to Kate and Chuck’s home in Arcata where my awning awaited.

To stretch my legs a bit on the drive up to Arcata, I stopped at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens.  What a treat!  The rhododendrons, with their magnificent flowers in a wide variety of colors, bloomed all over the park.  The gorgeous flowers, trees, and rocky beaches surprised me with their splendor. 

Below are only a few of the many photos I captured during this terrific one and a half hour respite from driving.

Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens












On the final morning of the Rally in the Redwoods, we ate a delicious pancake breakfast cooked and served by our amazing hosts.  Then, it was time for good-byes and to pack up Addie for the next phase of my adventure.

My next stop, on the Mendocino coast, allowed me to enjoy the relaxing beauty of Manchester Beach.  Although the road from HWY 101 to the beach was harrowing and the WiFi I paid extra for didn’t work on the first evening, once I took a breath and a walk, I relaxed into nature. 

Manchester Beach






On the day following our Roaring Camp excitement, two Roadtrek experts spoke to us about the care and upkeep of our rigs.  The second technician, George, spent the afternoon visiting those of us needing some personalized help – like me!  He solved my water pump issue and showed me how to clean the filter.  Next, he helped me figure out what light fixture I need to order to replace the one that broke during a beautiful yet very BUMPY ride in rural Nebraska.  George was like the “Pied Piper,” as he had a trail of voyeurs following him from rig to rig to learn whatever they could from this terrific expert.

The next day was a “free” day.  I unhooked Addie and drove – since the bridge was down over the creek and I couldn’t walk – to Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park.  Oh, this was wonderful!  Just what I love!  One of my fellow Roadtrekkers is a docent at Henry Cowell, so she included a brochure and map in our welcome packet.  Before I left, I asked her for trail advice.  I followed the route to the Observation Deck, allowing me to see the three ecosystems in the park – riparian, redwoods, and sandhills. 

Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park








These two beauties were being ridden in the park – their riders allowed me to take this photo.


Supposedly, the tallest tree in the park.



When both of my children were in fourth grade, students – and their teachers along with several parent chaperones – left San Luis Obispo EARLY one morning for the LONG bus ride to…Felton…and the steam engine train ride in the redwoods at Roaring Camp.  At our Roadtrek Rally, with 29 rigs and 46 Roadtrekkers, we enjoyed Roaring Camp, the train ride, and a BBQ.  I must say, it was more relaxing than hanging out with 50 sleepy and, at times, cranky fourth graders!  🙂

Roaring Camp








A magnificent treat for anyone traveling north of San Simeon on HWY 1 is the elephant seal refuge!  These humongous animals rest on the beach along the highway, viewed by thousands and educated by volunteer docents.  After enjoying these amazing sea mammals, I walked north on Boucher Trail to and beyond the Piedras Blancas lighthouse.  What a wonderful day!

San Simeon

I love the expression on this seal’s face!






Crazy wild waves!


This adventure started from two previous episodes.  First, I want to retrieve my awning from my friends, Kate and Chuck, in Arcata.  They have been kindly storing my awning since early July, when it fell from Addie at the start of my cross country trip.  Second, having had such a great time at the Roadtrek Rally in Sarasota in October, I wanted to attend the Rally in the Redwoods held in Felton this month.  Initially, I thought two Roadtrek friends from Florida would join me for the Rally and some pre-Rally travel, but they were unable to make it – this time.  I had booked two nights at Morro Bay State Park and two more at San Simeon State Park, so the three of us could enjoy the Central Coast before heading up to Felton, near Santa Cruz.  When I found out they were not participating in the Rally, I decided to keep my reservations.  And I’m glad I did!  It was wonderful being back in Addie, my vacation home on wheels.  Coupling Addie with my new photography hobby made for a fun adventure.

Below are favorite photos from my journey…so far!  I have almost a week left in this adventure.

Morro Bay