Who would’ve thunk that little Prattville, Alabama would have such a cute historical downtown?! After a morning of trip planning, appointment scheduling, and general puttering, I walked around “downtown” Prattville, a town founded in 1838 by industrialist Daniel Pratt.
For more info:





Setting up for Dinner in the District, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce.







Monument focused on Pratt’s grist mill.

My October reflections, after traveling 3,007 miles down the eastern seaboard to Florida:
Solo travel – choices: October held many fabulous adventures – some with family and friends and some solo. The choices solo traveling allows create for wonderful opportunities! Don’t get me wrong – I love traveling with and visiting friends and family AND I love solo traveling. Both are AWESOME!
Grace: I struggle with the concept of “grace.” Although I know the dictionary definition, “favor or honor, goodwill,” I have trouble seeing how it applies to life. Through my travels, I’m beginning to develop my own personal understanding of “grace.” To me – at this time – it means to live empathically, to give people the space to be themselves, to understand that everyone faces challenges – some quite daunting and some momentarily frustrating. Examples for me might be being a bit more patient with a cashier, being more flexible with friends, reaching out to family facing challenges. It also means giving myself permission to be frustrated, fail, feel…
Rally friends: When I knew I’d be in Florida in October and read that there was a Roadtrek Rally in Sarasota – with great timing after visiting my brother and his family in Satellite Beach – I thought, “Why not go?” Wow! What a treat! Not only did I learn more about Roadtreks in general and Addie in particular, but I also met some wonderful solo female Roadtrekkers – friends I know I will see during future journeys.
That Roadtrek feeling!: At the Rally, I described how I feel when I drive Addie – grounded, happy, peaceful, excited. As I spoke, the women sitting at my table smiled and nodded – yes, that’s the Roadtrek feeling!
Gated communities in Florida: So what is it with Florida? The three homes where I visited are all in gated communities…
New Jersey




Washington, DC






North Carolina


South Carolina








Dennis, Anna, and Vanessa (New Jersey)


Melanie (Washington , DC)


Eric (Washington, DC)


Parker (North Carolina)


Martin and Madison (South Carolina)


Angila and Eric (Florida)


Roadtrek friends (Florida)


Anna and Donny (Florida)


Ruby (Florida) 


Marjorie and Phil (Florida)

Since I arrived at dusk last night, I walked around my campground for a bit this morning. With only 20 sites, it took a whopping three minutes to explore to whole park! Coe Landing County Park Campground sits on Lake Talquin and, with more time, would be cool to hike and explore.
However, I had 2pm tickets in Montgomery, AL, for the Equal Justice Initiative’s National Memorial for Peace and Justice and Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration.
The Memorial focused on the US’s terror of lynching, honoring the over 6,000 Black Americans murdered from after the Civil War through the 1950s. Metal blocks, one for each county and listing the names and dates of those lynched in that county, hang from the ceiling. To say the memorial is powerful is a complete understatement.
The Museum, which does not allow photography so the guests can pay attention to the exhibits, chronicles how slavery evolved through racial terror lynchings and racial segregation to mass incarceration. I have studied slavery and segregation; nonetheless, I know little about our history of lynching terror and the current state of mass incarceration. The connections among these horrible aspects of our culture opened my eyes to how our past is now our present. Until the museum, I didn’t grasp the relationship between slave and convict labor. Additionally, I find it much clearer to see how voter suppression is yet another means of disenfranchising black and brown Americans.
During my adventure, I’ve seen in museums, at memorials, and through conversations how fragile our country is unless and until we fight to value each other. How we move from where we are to where we need to be…that is the question.
Addie at Coe Landing County Park Campground.


Lake Talquin


In Florida, what hidden dangers may be present in the lake…?


The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.


The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.


The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.


The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.


The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.


The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.


The National Memorial for Peace and Justice.  (Click on photo for 39 second video.)

So nice to spend last night as the first overnight guest at Anna and Donny’s home in Sarasota. After waking up to freshly brewed coffee, Anna and I walked for a bit so I could see their condo complex and stretch my legs before today’s long drive. 
Before my drive, though, Anna had to feed me! And so did Marjorie! (Anna – breakfast, Marjorie – lunch, it’s 8:30 pm and I’m still full!) Italian and Jewish mommas would never let someone leave their homes without a full belly! 
From Sarasota, I went to Gainesville to catch up, after *40* years!, with my college roommate Marjorie and her husband and my Brandeis classmate Phil. Guess what? It didn’t seem like any time had passed! The conversation flowed…and flowed…and flowed!!! So good to reconnect!!! 
I arrived at my campground with just enough light to park – perfect end to a perfect day!
Pond near Anna’s Sarasota home.


With Anna. 


With Marjorie and Phil.

One of those multi-part wonderful days!
First, I had a terrific breakfast with my new Roadtrek friends. Although we said “see you later” today, I know I will see them once again – soon, I hope! – on the road. 
Next, I went to the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, exploring the opulent gardens, gorgeous art museum, and whimsical circus museum. 
Finally, I get the honor of being the first house guest of my SLO friend Anna and her husband Donny, who recently bought a condo in Sarasota so they can spend time in Florida with family. We met others for dinner and drinks before the main event: Escape to Margaritaville! My friends Lisa and Rob’s daughter Ruby is in the production of this traveling musical theater extravaganza! It was serendipitous that Anna, Donny, and I were all in Sarasota at the same time Ruby was in Sarasota. Not only was the play was AMAZING, but also spending time with Ruby before and after the show totally ROCKED! So proud of and happy for her success!
Only a few of the Roadtreks at the Rally.


Banyan trees.


Coquina – beautiful crushed shell concrete.


A summer cottage for the Ringlings!


Guardian figure, Ting dynasty, 8th century.


A cabinet with beautiful paintings on each surface! Antwerp, 1600s.


A promenade.


Circus car.


Someone is missing… 


With Anna and Donny.


With Ruby and Anna.


Mazel tov, Ruby!

Totally different kind of day! After breakfast, I hung out in Addie for a while due to wild thunderstorms. When the storms warranted tornado watches, three of us stayed in the Roadtrek closest to the bathhouse in case we had to take shelter. A few minutes later, our phones went crazy with a tornado warning – and off to the bathhouse we went! We stayed in the shower room, along with other adults, children, and dogs, until the warning was called off.
For the final evening of the rally, post-dinner entertainment consisted of a barber shop quartet. Given they hadn’t performed since the start of the pandemic, they weren’t horrible…
This RV park encompasses many acres, with a variety of spots for full-timers, snowbirds, and other campers – like us! With the thunderstorms over, friends and I roamed the park after dinner, getting in our steps and sharing more stories.
Watching the rainstorm from Addie’s windows.  (Click on the photo for a four-second video.)


Heeding the tornado warning by sheltering in the shower.


Breakfast with friends. 🙂


Tonight’s entertainment…

OMG! Such a fun day! With two new friends, we explored the #1 Beach in the USA – Siesta Key. Gorgeous white sand, clear water, and snowy egrets galore. Wowza! To top it off, lobster crepe and gelato for lunch!!!
After the official rally dinner, five of us snuck out of the room to talk, share, and laugh. This is only the beginning of long wonderful friendships!
#1 Beach in the USA!


My toes loved the water.


Gorgeous beach.


We found two dead puffer fish!


The sky through a natural frame.


There’s nothing like gelato! The shop owner is from Rome.


Siesta Key.


Fabulous cloud formations. Tonight, a big storm is moving in…


One of many snowy egrets!


This is only the beginning!

With high temps and lots of humidity, I walked early-ish to the Celery Fields. The marshland, ponds, pools, and canals provided a surprise – sighting of a Purple Gallinule, a rare bird according to bird watchers who pointed it out to me. Hey, I even broke out my binoculars to see it! 
Upon returning to Addie and turning up the a/c, I relaxed for a bit – really, so hot and tired I couldn’t move!  Finally, I had lunch, drank lots of water, and headed to the pool. 
After dinner – note: the meals at this rally leave A LOT to be desired! – friends and I gathered in Addie to chat and share stories about our rigs, travel, life, etc. A very nice end to a terrific day! 🙂





I did NOT get a picture of the bird, so this is downloaded from the internet. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/…/Purple…/photo-gallery


With friends hanging out in Addie! 🙂


Talk about a total change! After my resort-like retreat with my brother Eric, sis-in-law Ang, and niece London (already miss all y’all!), I drove to the other side of Florida for a Roadtrek Rally! Fifty-four Roadtreks, 23 owned by solo trekkers, at a big Florida RV campground. One of the reasons I bought a Roadtrek was when Joel and I rented a Cruise America RV in 2020, we saw several Roadtreks, all driven by “older” solo women. I’ve already met a group of solo women. We’ll see how the week unfolds, but I’m quite pleased so far!

Here we go!


I won the “award” – just a card! – for traveling the furthest. When given the mic, I said my true mileage is 13,912 -the miles I’ve driven since July 1!

Great day with my bro Eric!
Kayaking: We started the day kayaking in the canals surrounding Tortoise Island.
Car cleaning: Yesterday, we cleaned the outside of the cars. Today, we cleaned the insides. Addie is smiling at the TLC she’s receiving!
Cruising to lunch: Next up, we hopped in Eric’s boat and cruised to Grills for a late lunch – delicious shrimp Cuban sandwich and a cold beer! A band similar to SLO’s Unfinished Business played some favorite cover artists, such as the Eagles. When the water was calm and the speed was slow, Eric turned over the steering wheel to me. So fun!
Yep, a great day!
Morning coffee before the day’s activities.


Glass smooth water – perfect for kayaking.


Captain Eric!


Music – no comment on whether I danced. (Click on photo for 10 second video.)


Ice cold beer. Did I mention it was 87° today, felt like 97°?


Driving, singing, dancing – yay!!!

A relaxed day with my brother Eric, sis-in-law Ang, and niece London. After waking up late – I can’t believe I slept until 8:30am! – Eric and I washed cars. Addie is so happy her Uncle Eric gave her a bath!
This afternoon, we watched London’s soccer team beat, 1-0, the third ranked team in the state. Yay, London!
Dinner tonight – seafood at a restaurant on a dock with wonderful moonlight.
All in all, a GREAT day!
Morning coffee.


Gatsby and Finley guarding the couch.


London handling the ball.


Addie relishing her cleanliness.


Moonlight over the water.


With Ang and Eric.

Hanging out with my retired Marine brother means not only a gorgeous sunrise and sunset, but also completing a CrossFit session. (Oy! Am I going to hurt tomorrow!) Following the torture time, we went to CVS so I could get my Covid booster.
About an hour before sunset, we hopped into the boat and cruised over to a tiki bar for happy hour.
Yep, life on the Space Coast is really tough!


CrossFit torture.  (Click on photo for 11 second video.)


With Ang and Eric.


Cruisin’ on up to the tiki bar.


With Eric




With Ang and Eric.


Cruising back to the house.  (Click on photo for 11 second video.)



Although the drive was long, the scenery down the Florida coast was beautiful. I drove around Amelia Island, Fort George Island, and St. Augustine before hopping onto the interstate to make time on my way to my brother Eric and sis-in-law Angila’s house in Satellite Beach. Time for some R&R – and laundry!

Fort George Island.


Fort George Island.


Eric and Ang’s retreat – I mean, house!


With Eric


Sunset from their backyard.

Following a relaxing morning at my lovely county park campground in Charleston, Addie and I rambled on down to Savannah. While Addie partook of the parking lot scenery, I strolled around the impressive squares, delightful buildings, and historic riverwalk of this remarkable city.

Madison Square


Monterey Square


Congregation Mickve Israel, synagogue founded in 1733 by a group of Spanish-Portuguese Jews who landed in Savannah five months after the establishment of the colony of Georgia.


Forsyth Fountain


Calhoun Square


Lafayette Square


Oglethorpe Square


Columbia Square


Warren Square


Old building along the riverwalk – I love the ivy/plant growing up the outside wall


Ellis Square with a rainbow


Orleans Square

Woke up this morning by the water and dock at my Hipcamp. Since I arrived after dark last night, I hadn’t taken a good look at my surroundings. Very nice view!
Next, I headed to the beach itself and walked along the shore and on the boardwalk. Although calm prevailed this morning at the beach, the tall hotels, funky shops, and amusement rides shed light on the shenanigans of Myrtle Beach during the summer. I’m glad I saw Myrtle Beach during a mellow fall morning!
Following Myrtle Beach, Addie and I drove to Charleston and our campsite at James Island County Park – where I took a nap!
Now reenergized, I drove into Charleston itself. Having been here several years ago, I felt no compulsion to see “everything” and instead I wandered the streets and alleyways for a couple of hours. One cool encounter: I met an awesome older African-American woman showing her teenaged granddaughter sights around Charleston. We chatted and she suggested a few places to visit.
For dinner, I met my niece Madison and her fiancé Martin. Over a delicious dinner, we chatted, laughed, and plotted their future (haha!).
Yes, another good day!
View from my campsite in Myrtle Beach.


Had to walk in the Atlantic Ocean!


The “carnival” atmosphere of Myrtle Beach.


Myrtle Beach sculpture with Ferris Wheel behind it.










With Martin and Madison.


Driving into my campsite after dinner, this owl greeted me at the campground gate!