My “off” (non-travel supposedly relaxing) day started with goats joining me at my campsite. Bud, the largest, thinks he’s a dog and loves being petted. A 3.5 mile hike from the campground, through a marsh, into a forest, and over grassy hills astonished my senses. I enjoyed seeing flitting butterflies and buzzing bugs while listening to birds calling and leaves rustling.
Following lunch, Addie and I headed into town. Not only were there an old library, compliments of Phoebe Hearst, and an Art Deco theater, but there also were a car show at one park and an art festival at another park, both with live music.
Upon returning to camp, Addie rested while I showered in the campground’s claw foot shower. Ah… 🙂
Woke up to the camp goats. The goats and horses are all rescues.


Not sure if the chickens and turkeys are rescued!


A horse, a donkey, and a pony walk into a bar…


Can you see the butterflies flitting and bugs buzzing in the marsh?


Car show in the downtown park…


Phoebe Hearst, wife a California Senator George Hearst who invested in the Anaconda copper mine, donated the library to improve the culture of the town.


Washoe Theater – I peeked in and the employees welcomed me to see the theater including turning the lights on so I could see the majesty of this historical landmark.


Relaxing in Addie’s shade.

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