Transition day!
Today, Nanine and Bossa journey back to California while I commence my solo leg of this adventure.

Of course, this is after Nanine and I stayed up until about 1:00 am to watch the Perseid Meteor Shower!  (Photos in next post. 🙂 )

So, on less than five hours of sleep, I drove from Castle Rocks State Park to Twin Falls.  Well, technically, I’m at the Snake River Elks in Jerome, ID.  Although I’m able to camp here with electricity – needed with 93 degree temps so I can run my air conditioner – the lodge is closed.  It’s very quiet and peaceful.

I did venture into Twin Falls for an ice cream (duh!) and pulled over to see the canyon created by the Snake River and spanned by the Perrine Bridge, the eighth tallest bridge in the US that crosses the river. 

1,500 foot long Perrine Bridge – built in 1976


Snake River – two miles east of here, Evel Knievel attempted to jump the river, failing and ending up with only a broken nose


Roadside historical marker

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