A day in three fabulous parts!
Part 1: I met my friend and colleague David at his house/farm so his kids could show me their animals. I had so much fun petting the dogs and feeding the goats and cows! Then, I followed David to Indiana State University for a tour of the College of Business building, which previously housed the federal courthouse (I saw the room where Timothy McVeigh was tried). We also toured some of the rest of the campus before having YES a zoom meeting for next year’s National Conference in Sales Management. Then, David took me and Ricky, another Sales professor friend and colleague, to lunch. What a nice visit! 
Part 2: Drove 4.5 hours from Indiana through Kentucky to Nashville. Uneventful – which is a good thing on a long drive. 
Part 2: In Nashville, Addie and I are staying at Kristen and Jeffrey’s house for a few days. I had a fantastic evening with Kristen and Jeffrey! Ate, drank, and talked for hours!
Goat #1


Cow #1


Cow #2 – this one was skittish but ultimately warmed up to me.


Goat #2


David and Sarah with their three sweet kids.


The Magna Carta room, now a classroom, previously the courtroom where Timothy McVeigh’s trial was held.


Indiana State University


Hanging with Ricky and David

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