Fun morning with Concha and Fred! Concha picked up yummy fresh donuts, Fred showed me his two ways of cutting a pineapple, and then we ventured out to their “party barge,” the SS Concha. While I sat on the barge, sipping my morning coffee, Fred entered the water to launch the vessel. Only issue: the weather had changed to wind and wavy water. We tried floating a bit before deciding to return to dock. Instead, we savored our donuts, coffee, and pineapple on the dock. Sadly, it was time to leave Concha and Fred – until next time!
Addie, who told me she missed me (she was parked at a friend’s house across the lake), and I left Northern Michigan for Canada, planning on seeing Niagara Falls from both the Canadian and US sides tomorrow.
All went well until the border crossing. I thought I had everything in order – vaccination card, passport, entrance app completed, Covid test last Wednesday. The issue: my Covid test was 75.5 hours old rather than 72 hours. First officer sent me to a second officer who allowed me to enter. Phew!
Arrived at my Harvest Host, The Crump Family Farm ( for tonight – a lovely sustainable farm! Dinner – tasty salmon caught by Concha and veggies from Concha and Fred’s garden. 🙂
Addendum: What a terrific evening! After dinner, farm proprietor Chris Crump knocked on my door inviting me to a campfire. Chris and his wife Vivian recently joined Harvest Hosts and decided to have a campfire since for the first time there are three guest RVs here – two other Canadian couples and me. The seven of us sat around the fire for three hours chatting and exchanging stories. So nice!
Staying out of the way as Fred launches the SS Concha.


Enjoying the dock chairs.


All of us, including sweet little Zeke!


Addie and me, on the road again.


Border crossing before the drama.




Addie relaxing on the farm.


Grazing cows at sunset.


Yum yum!

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