I can’t believe I woke up at Mia and Eileen’s house this morning, strolled Central Park most of the day, and ended the evening with my former student and fellow RV enthusiast

Emily and her husband John at the bar on the roof of the Ink 48 Hotel!

I am thrilled to explore the “new” NYC. Why do I say “new?” It’s different than when I was here BC (Before Covid) only two years ago. Yes, everyone wears a mask, generally covering both nose and mouth indoors and handy to immediately pull up if needed when walking around outdoors. Yes, there’s a lot of activity with people stepping all over the sidewalks. Yes, NY possesses an energy felt in only the big cities I’ve visited. However, there’s a hesitation in people’s eyes, a warning from friends about walking at night or taking the subway, a consciousness that “things are different” now. One example: I’m used to meandering the streets of NYC at all hours with little concern for the time. Now, I’m more…aware…of walking around after dark, especially several hours after sunset. I remember NYC in the 1980s and the fear I felt wandering the streets. I don’t feel that same fear, however, I feel a certain reluctance. I love NY! I so loved walking around Central Park during the day! Nevertheless, I plan on being more cautious about walking around, especially solo, at night.
Central Park can feel like a forest!


Walking around Central Park with my mask at the ready. Intriguingly, disposable masks, like this one, are more prevalent than fabric face coverings.


The reservoir in Central Park.


More Central Park.


Statue of Fredrick Douglas.
In Central Park, signs explore the history of Seneca Village, a community of predominantly African Americans that existed in the area before the city created the park.


Sunset from The Ink 48 Hotel rooftop.


With Emily and John.


John took this magnificent panorama photo of the nighttime skyline…


…and a terrific photo of Emily and me.

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