Today, being Thanksgiving, makes me think about GRATITUDE.  My personal values – Integrity, Gratitude, and Kindness – act as a compass to help guide me in the right direction.

For example, if I’m thinking about doing something or feeling a bit uncomfortable about an issue, I weigh it against my values.  Does the decision help me live with integrity – with wholeness, honesty, and completeness?  This is not to say that I meet this goal all of the time – I absolutely do not!  When I don’t, my stomach lurches and I know I’ve not acted with integrity.  When I pause before acting and consider my decision with integrity in mind, I most often make a much better choice.

Gratitude, the theme for Thanksgiving, is paramount in my mind right now.  I have so much to be grateful for.  My children are happy, independent, and kind adults.  (I used to say “young adults,” but at ages 28 and 31, I wonder if “young” still applies!)  I enjoy spending time with my partner; we have evolved to a warm, comfortable, caring, and fun point in our lives and our relationship.  His children and grandchildren add joy to my life.  I love being Nana Lisa to his three grandchildren; the third one arrived November 11!  I so appreciate the laughter, support, and fun of my friends.  With six kids in my family, my siblings add another layer of love, support, and humor to my amazing life.

In addition to the many people whom I love and appreciate, I am so grateful for my health and fitness.  I have the physical and, at times even more useful, mental ability to walk or hike many, many miles.  In preparation for Melanie’s and my annual walking marathon, I completed a 20 mile walk in the mountains three days ago.  In less than two weeks, it’ll be time for 26.2 (never forget the .2!) miles.

With my health and fitness, I am able to travel, explore photography, read, knit…such a full and wonderful life!  So much for me to appreciate!

Opening up my lens, however, makes me concerned for the world – elections, war, climate, diseases, … – there’s so much to be concerned about.

What makes me most grateful is being able to appreciate what IS good, what IS beautiful, what IS the best of humanity.  For all of the wonderful people, places, and pleasures that embellish my life, I am forever grateful.

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