At the end of each month of my Cross Country Road Trip, I plan to post my reflections from the month, along with one photo from each state I visited that month and the friends and family I’ve visited. [Note: If you have not yet joined my private Facebook travelog group and would like daily (give or take!) posts and pics, please let me know and I’ll send you an invite.]
People: There are so many kind and helpful people – not only family and friends (Sarah, Andy, Kate, Chuck, Lynne, Ken), but also total strangers. I am also finding that the more I travel into “red” states, the animosity toward me – as a Californian and as a female and as a solo traveler – is less respectful. Learning how to respect each other, regardless of “otherness,” is vital to creating a safe and healthy country. How do we do this?
Speed Limit: I’ve found that I can predict the speed limit based on driving conditions. To save gasoline – get the best gas mileage – I’m driving no faster than the speed limit (yep, I normally would go about 5 mph faster…).
Beauty: Our country is GORGEOUS! The variety of colors, textures, and geology make for amazing scenery. Although I love the visual and geological beauty of the badlands and desert sites, my heart soars with tall trees, blue skies, and pine needle trails.
Solo Travel: I love solo traveling – and I love traveling with friends and family! Interestingly, I have seen maybe only one other solo female traveler this month – in Glacier National Park, a recent college grad trying to figure out her next step. I wonder if it’s because this is July, I’m focusing for this month more on national parks, and there are a lot of families doing the same type of travel right now?
Invisibility of Older Women: As an older woman – my gray hair tells my age! – I am mostly invisible. And I LOVE this! No one bothers me, I’m free to do as I please, and when I need help (i.e., awning issue in Clear Lake State Park) others are very willing to help.












North Dakota


South Dakota


Andy and Sarah <3


Kate and, missing from photo, Chuck (and their two sweet doggies). <3


Lynne and Ken.  <3

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