June Photo Challenge!

This month, I’ve shot mostly with my 70-300mm lens, developing comfort with it for future adventures. Each lens requires a different skill from me. Do I zoom the lens (70-300mm) or do I move my body (35mm) closer to get the shot I desire? What exposure works best with each lens? What about depth of field?

Six months into this year-long challenge, I often enjoy putting my own spin on the prompt rather than taking what I feel is a “standard” photo. I’m enjoying playing with composition, lighting, angles, bokeh, cropping, editing, colors – or lack thereof…

For example, “Dog,” one of my favorites this month, centers the photo on Sheila’s lit eye with only part of her body showing. For “Look Up,” I lay on my porch to capture the underside of the light. Playing with color, I spotlight the sign in “Stop” and my favorite color in “National Selfie Day.” I feel using B&W and creative cropping for “Sunglasses” draws attention to my fabulous models’ sunglasses. The bokeh in “J is for…” highlights the peanut butter and dog kong treat.  My final photo for this month, “Lens Flare,” allowed me to stretch by choosing to capture flare rather than avoid it.

With Live Oak this month, I had the added element – and fun! – of maintaining my photo streak while volunteering and enjoying the festival. Moonshine Annie gladly posed for me for “Butterfly”; I searched all over until I found some United States Postal Service boxes at the SLO Botanical Gardens for “Mail”; I wandered around snapping pics of “Food,” which is why my Live Oak post has so many food pics!

Halfway through this photo challenge…I’ve learned so much and have so much more to learn!  It’s a journey rather than a destination…

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
June 1:  From a Distance June 11:  Vehicle June 21:  National Selfie Day
June 2:  Empty June 12:  Transport June 22:  J is for…
June 3:  Look Up June 13:  Insect June 23:  Upside Down
June 4:  Messy June 14:  Food June 24:  Sunglasses
June 5:  Mother June 15:  Mail June 25:  Turquoise
June 6:  Dog June 16:  Butterfly June 26:  Sandwich
June 7:  Half Empty/Half Full June 17:  Street Light June 27:  Window
June 8:  World Ocean Day June 18:  Closed June 28:  Blueberry
June 9:  Stop June 19:  Kitchen June 29:  Action
June 10:  Macro June 20:  Made from Wood June 30:  Lens Flare

June 1:  From a Distance

June 2:  Empty

June 3:  Look Up

June 4:  Messy

June 5:  Mother

June 6:  Dog

June 7:  Half Empty/Half Full

June 8:  World Ocean Day

June 9:  Stop

June 10:  Macro

June 11:  Vehicle

June 12:  Transport

June 13:  Insect

June 14:  Food

June 15:  Mail

June 16:  Butterfly

June 17:  Street Light

June 18:  Closed

June 19:  Kitchen

June 20:  Made from Wood

June 21:  National Selfie Day

June 22:  J is for…

June 23:  Upside Down

June 24:  Sunglasses

June 25:  Turquoise

June 26:  Sandwich

June 27:  Window

June 28:  Blueberry

June 29:  Action

June 30:  Lens Flare

16 thoughts on “June

  1. Enjoyed your photos. Loved your selfie, the blueberry, and action the best. I don’t know why the blueberry struck me although it did.

    • The blueberry took quite a few tries. I had to move it to change the background and lighting, change the position of the berry so there’d be texture, and fiddle with editing to highlight the various colors. It looks like a simple photo, and it’s one I spent a bit of time on.

  2. I agree that these are interesting shots and your creativity is coming through in your interpretation of the prompts. I love the selfie! I wonder what you would do with “youth” and “age”…

    • Thanks! Looking through future prompts, I see “baby,” “grandparents,” and “childhood” but not “youth” or “age.” Hm…

    • I might! I’m also thinking of what I might do next year… At this time, I’m thinking about – but am not yet committing to – picking a monthly theme/topic. It might be B&W, lens type, straight-out-of-camera, etc. I could add “ages” as a theme! My initial thought is to not post every day but, instead, when I feel like I’ve captured an image that matches that month’s theme. Again, this is only some preliminary thinking!

  3. Kathy Bolin says:

    Looking at these on July 4th. A pleasant way to spend a quiet, rainy day. I liked “food.” It evoked so much more than food. The almost unnoticeable “free” got me deeply. Beautiful photos.

    • Nice cooling rain! Something I wish we had right now. 🙂 Thanks so much! I’m pleased you like the “food” photo. At Live Oak Music Festival, I walked around capturing images at the food trucks. This one truck with yummy Indian food had a free sample stand out front, and that’s the photo I took. The photo, I feel, tells more of a story than some of the other pictures I snapped that day.

  4. Nice work. Interesting to see what you chose from the prompts.
    If you do go rogue, I have some ideas. Texture, repetition, numbers, garden art, antique, …
    Good for you.

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