Life as a retiree ROCKS!
One of the best decisions I’ve ever made: RETIRING! In my Facebook memories at the end of every quarter, I see my countdown to break – e.g., “Two done, one to go.” With each memory, I feel the stress of grading, teaching, working…being BEHOLDEN. Then I reflect on life NOW. There’s so much more time and freedom to do what I want, when I want to do it. Spend time with family and friends, travel, read, photography, volunteer…BE. This moment in my life ROCKS!!!
Let me explain… I LOVED teaching. I LOVED working with (most of) my students. I LOVED mentoring students. I LOVED the intellectual challenge of higher education. HOWEVER, when I was done, I was DONE. Before the pandemic, I would walk into my college and, simultaneously, hold two thoughts: 1) I love my job; and 2) I want to retire. When COVID-19 hit and I had to transition to remote teaching, the joy of teaching dissipated. I no longer had the pleasure of spontaneous authentic conversations with students and colleagues. I no longer had the fun of truly connecting with others. I no longer had the satisfaction of feeling like I made an impact on someone’s life.
With this as background, when the opportunity arose to retire I evaluated my financial position and submitted my retirement paperwork. I have NEVER looked back!
Do I miss the day-to-day interaction with students? Yes, if it could be BC (Before COVID). Talking to friends who are still teaching, I know the world of education is forever changed. This does not mean it is better or worse – just different. This time, I had the privilege to choose which different I want for my life.
The different I have now: TIME! I have TIME to relax, breathe, hike, travel, explore – all with friends and family – or on my own.
It is the FREEDOM that comes with retirement that I LOVE.