Wowza! With month #3 of this AMAZING adventure in the books, I’d like to share a few of my reflections:
Weather: September’s weather has been so much better than August’s weather!!! It was weird and amazing – as soon as the calendar changed from August 31 to September 1, the heat and humidity subsided. Yayyyy!!!!!!
Friends: This month’s treat has been spending time with friends and family. Catching up with these wonderful people, in of course a covid-safe manner, highlights the power of relationships. Many thanks and much love to all of you who have shared time with me – this month and every other month of my adventure.
Re-reading travel log: Oh my! I sure have covered a lot of territory, had many adventures, and seen a plethora of sights! When relaxing (yes, I do relax now and then!), I will sometimes go to my travel log and search for a random date. Up pops a previous adventure, sparking memories, smiles, and reflection. My travel log presents a great opportunity for me to consider at day’s end what occurred that day and, especially now that so much time has passed, reflect on past escapades.
Re-entry: Now that I’ve completed three months of my five month adventure, my mind slowly turns to life after this trip. When I retired in December 2020, I changed my focus from my students to Addie and my journey. Preparing for this adventure encompassed the first half of the year; the road trip itself comprises most of the second half of the year. I know that re-entry will be an adventure in itself! What will I do with all that space in my 1100 square foot, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom condo?! What will I do with Addie? Where will I travel next? What will I do with my time? So many questions!!!


Ontario (Canadian Falls)


New York (Niagara Falls)




New Hampshire






Rhode Island


New York


With Concha and Fred (Michigan)


With Joel (Maine)


With Noni (Massachusetts)


With Susie and Steve (Rhode Island)


With Mindy and Ralph (New York)


With Mia (New York)


With Emily (New York)


With Lissie (New York)


With Eric and Lisa (New York)

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