A running joke is that I’m NOT a dog person.

Exactly a year ago, though, that changed. 

Let me start from the beginning.  When I was a kid, around six years old, my sister, my brother, and I found a kitten hiding behind the washing machine in our garage.  We begged our parents to let us keep it.  My dad asked, “Wouldn’t you rather have a dog?”  We declined and adopted this sweet little cat, whose whiskers were later pecked off by our pet parakeet.  At age sixteen, our cat died, and we did not get another one during the rest of my time in high school.  When I returned home for winter break during my collegiate freshman year, my family had two new cats – and I discovered I was allergic to them.

As my life unfolded, I knew I could not have cats (achoo!), although I missed petting their soft fur.  While my kids were home, we were too busy and uninterested in getting a dog.  A part of me was pleased since dogs scared me.  I didn’t like them jumping up on me, and I thought they smelled bad and would bite me.

After my divorce, I began hiking a lot with friends who all have dogs.  My fear began to dissipate, and my interest in having a dog grew.  I became close to my Astrid and Dennis’ dog Callie and Joel’s dog Viza, along with many other sweet pups.  I realized that dogs can be trained not to jump on people, proper hygiene reduces the smell, and dogs don’t bite unless provoked (for the most part!).  I also realized by watching Nanine, who has a big fabulous pooch and travels even more than I do, that with a circle of friends and many dogsitting possibilities, I could continue to live my lifestyle while having a dog.

So, a little over a year ago, I decided it was time.  I knew I wanted to rescue a dog who:  weighed about 25-30 pounds, was good with children and other dogs, and enjoyed hiking and traveling.  With Kait, I went to Woods Humane Society to “take a look.”  After explaining what qualities interested me in a pet, the receptionist recommended one specific dog.  We went into the meeting room, sat on the floor, and the handler Matt brought in this sweet three-year old pup.  She was scared and timid!  And, oh so sweet!  My heart was won when Matt picked her up to carry her out, and she nestled right into his neck.  I knew then that what this doggie needed was love – exactly what I had to give.

That doggie, of course, is my energetic, affectionate, playful, and totally sweet Sheila!




October Photo Challenge!


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
October 1:  Work October 12 October 23
October 2 October 13 October 24
October 3 October 14 October 25
October 4 October 15 October 26
October 5 October 16 October 27
October 6 October 17 October 28
October 7 October 18 October 29
October 8 October 19 October 30
October 9 October 20 October 31
October 10 October 21  
October 11 October 22  

October 1:  Work

September Photo Challenge!

Scanning this month’s photos, I notice a couple of trends. First, when I post photos of unknown children, I capture them from either the side (“Grandparents”) or from the back (“Childhood”). I believe maintaining a certain amount of privacy and respect in photos is important, especially when posting images of children.

A second trend is how much I enjoy creating photos that are a bit more artistic. I love the “Shadows” of the words “Whale Rock,” which I caught at just the right moment. The “Unexpected” sun peaking through the clouds and the variety of colors grabs me. For “Night,” I walked outside, snapped my bedroom window, and then played with the image on Adobe Lightroom. Knowing that my friend Lara has gorgeous “Purple” streaks in her hair, I photographed her while we were watching the presidential debate, composing the photo to highlight her hair and Vice President Kamala Harris. Working with Sheila, we’ve been practicing behaving properly both on- and off-leash. When I saw the pile of “Leaves,” I decided to unclip her leash and have her lie in the leaves. Her ears show how alert she was! Playing with black & white and texture & clarity, I absolutely adore the photo of Emmett and Sheila, hanging out on the couch in the “Morning.”

Three-quarters of the way through this year-long challenge, I’m learning so much – about photography, about my camera, about myself. YES, I’ll be glad when I’ve completed this self-imposed assignment. AND I’m so glad I’m doing it!

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
September 1:  Whoops September 11:  Bottle September 21:  Dirty
September 2:  Macro September 12:  Grandparents September 22:  Leaves
September 3:  Back to School September 13:  Food September 23:  Autumn
September 4:  Baby September 14:  S is for… September 24:  Craving
September 5:  A Pair of September 15:  Shadows September 25:  Peace in Nature
September 6:  Hot September 16:  Bathtub September 26:  Childhood
September 7:  First Person I Saw September 17:  Memory September 27:  Relax
September 8:  Night September 18:  Unexpected September 28:  Fountain
September 9:  Swing September 19:  Transportation September 29:  Morning
September 10:  Purple September 20:  Apples September 30:  Yummy

September 1:  Whoops

September 2:  Macro

September 3:  Back to School

September 4:  Baby

September 5:  A Pair of

September 6:  Hot

September 7:  First Person I Saw

September 8:  Night

September 9:  Swing

September 10:  Purple

September 11:  Bottle

September 12:  Grandparents

September 13:  Food

September 14:  S is for…

September 15:  Shadows

September 16:  Bathtub

September 17:  Memory

September 18:  Unexpected

September 19:  Transportation

September 20:  Apples

September 21:  Dirty

September 22:  Leaves

September 23:  Autumn

September 24:  Craving

September 25:  Peace in Nature

September 26:  Childhood

September 27:  Relax

September 28:  Fountain

September 29:  Morning

September 30:  Yummy

August Photo Challenge!

What a month! I maintained the challenge even with traveling for three weeks. Some of the prompts I found a bit amusing. For example, all summer I’ve been enjoying fresh cherries. However, when “Cherries” was the prompt, they were all gone! No more fresh cherries! I had to make do with dried cherries and the cherry pitter I bought on Bainbridge Island.

Also, pretty much anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE ice cream. I ate A LOT of it on my trip! By the time, though, that “Ice Cream” was the prompt, I was driving home and was – even for me – a bit tired of ice cream. (I know…hard to believe!). Regardless, I popped into the Gilroy Coldstone for my last road trip ice cream.

I could talk about how I deleted the trellis and some of the patio out of the “Unedited” version of my planter to get the “Edited” version. Or how a wrap is my idea of a “Hamburger.” Or the “Ring” I made with Greyson when we were in Ireland. Or the “Cards” Astrid’s daughter Tessa is selling as a Team for Kids fundraiser for her entrance into the New York City Marathon. Or the “Collection” of magnets I keep in Addie. Or using my 2007 Canon Powershot for “Use a Different Camera.”

Rather, I want to share about my “Inspirational Person.” This amazing woman is smart, kind, and organized. She is loving and patient with her children and husband, supportive and caring with her friends. Regardless of whatever challenges she faces, she tackles them with humor, perseverance, and grace. As a chosen member of her family (Nana to her children), I am inspired by the warmth, humility, and generosity of Kait. ❤️

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
August 1:  Edited/Unedited August 12:  Wild August 23:  Square
August 2:  Hamburger August 13:  Beauty August 24:  Polka Dots
August 3:  Party August 14:  Collection August 25:  Cherries
August 4:  Remember August 15: Dancing August 26:  Ice Cream
August 5:  Chair August 16:  Blue August 27:  Inspirational Person
August 6:  Ring August 17:  Day August 28:  Round
August 7:  Loud August 18:  On the Floor August 29:  Use a Different Camera
August 8:  In the Fridge August 19:  World Photography Day – Your Choice August 30:  Off the Beaten Track
August 9:  Food August 20:  Pattern August 31:  A is for…
August 10:  Hands August 21:  Picnic  
August 11:  Cards August 22:  Hard Work  

August 1:  Edited/Unedited

August 1:  Edited/Unedited

August 2:  Hamburger

August 3:  Party

August 4:  Remember

August 5:  Chair

August 6:  Ring

August 7:  Loud

August 8:  In the Fridge

August 9:  Food

August 10:  Hands

August 11:  Cards

August 12:  Wild

August 13:  Beauty

August 14:  Collection

August 15: Dancing

August 16:  Blue

August 17:  Day

August 18:  On the Floor

August 19:  World Photography Day – Your Choice

August 20:  Pattern

August 21:  Picnic

August 22:  Hard Work

August 23:  Square

August 24:  Polka Dots

August 25:  Cherries

August 26:  Ice Cream

August 27:  Inspirational Person

August 28:  Round

August 29:  Use a Different Camera

August 30:  Off the Beaten Track

August 31:  A is for…

July Photo Challenge!

This month, I’ve really enjoyed taking photos. Many of the prompts elicited creativity, excitement, and energy. Frequently, I returned to my trusty kit lens, my XF18-55mm, to capture what interested me.

Favorites include:
Full”: I love this photo! By loosely playing with the prompt and then editing carefully in Lightroom, I created a photo that dances with the idea of “full.”

High Angle”: I lugged my eight-foot ladder into my house, thinking I’d shoot down onto my dining room table for a high angle pic. While up there, I snapped a few other shots and, ultimately, liked my final photo of my side table from above.

Skyscraper”: After dinner – and before throwing axes 🤣 – with my grandson Greyson, we wandered around town trying to find a tall building. San Luis Obispo is not known for its skyscrapers! Grey pointed out our multi-story parking garage, I positioned myself at the corner, and I captured a blooming jacaranda with the “skyscraper” in the background. At the end of this post is a bonus pic of me taking photos of SLO’s skyscraper by photographer Grey.

Sand and Surf”: For fun, I thought I’d take Sheila to Morro Bay for a walk and some water play while I snapped beach photos. Little did I know, she is NOT a water dog! This photo was taken about as close to the water as she would go! For “Stripes,” I shot the grooves made in the sidewalk. Although in later photos I moved Sheila out of the frame, I found, when reviewing the pics, that I love how her tail adds to the overall gestalt of this photo.

Road Sign”: Playing with composition angle and Lightroom settings, I created an intriguing speed limit sign.

Father”: At Venteaux Winery, I took many photos of dads with their kids – holding them, playing with them, feeding them… What I appreciate about this photo is how the father is supporting his child while giving the child the space, independence, and confidence to tackle the obstacle course on her own.

Watermelon”: On my way to babysit Emmett on Watermelon Day, I had to get a melon to share with him – and take his photo!

J is for…”: Jump! Thanks, Lara, for not only the hike but also being my model!

Art”: My commissioned painting by Drew Davis, which he named “Cobalt Pendulum,” hangs in my living room.  I love it!!!

Side note:  I realized that on July 18, I completed 200 days of this challenge!

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
July 1:  Sea Shells July 12:  Skyscraper July 23:  Flip Flops
July 2:  High Angle July 13:  Stripes July 24:  Shadow
July 3:  Waiting July 14:  Keys July 25:  Watermelon
July 4:  Fireworks July 15:  Jewelry July 26:  Father
July 5:  Sand and Surf July 16:  Broken July 27:  Donuts
July 6:  Where are you from? July 17:  My Country July 28:  Art
July 7:  Road Sign July 18:  Yellow [Day 200!] July 29:  J is for…
July 8:  6:00 p.m. July 19:  Sunset July 30:  Liquid
July 9:  Time July 20:  Door July 31:  Path

July 10:  Full

July 21:  Letters  

July 11:  Cute

July 22:  Macro  

July 1:  Sea Shells

July 2:  High Angle

July 3:  Waiting

July 4:  Fireworks

July 5:  Sand and Surf

July 6:  Where are you from?

July 7:  Road Sign

July 8:  6:00 p.m.

July 9:  Time

July 10:  Full

July 11:  Cute

July 12:  Skyscraper

July 13:  Stripes

July 14:  Keys

July 15:  Jewelry

July 16:  Broken

July 17:  My Country

July 18:  Yellow

July 19:  Sunset

July 20:  Door

July 21:  Letters

July 22:  Macro

July 23:  Flip Flops

July 24:  Shadow

July 25:  Watermelon

July 26:  Father

July 27:  Donuts

July 28:  Art

July 29:  J is for…

July 30:  Liquid

July 31:  Path


Photo credit:  Greyson!

Yesterday, I realized that this was my tenth Live Oak Music Festival.  I will forever be grateful to the McCanns for introducing me to this wonderful event.

For the third year, I volunteered on Construction Crew, working to both construct and destruct the site and allowing me to enjoy the festival itself between work shifts.  I love my crew!  We work hard – and play even harder.

Although I continued to take photos for my photo challenge, I took only a few additional pics.  Instead, I spent most of my time talking, listening, dancing, ENJOYING!







June Photo Challenge!

This month, I’ve shot mostly with my 70-300mm lens, developing comfort with it for future adventures. Each lens requires a different skill from me. Do I zoom the lens (70-300mm) or do I move my body (35mm) closer to get the shot I desire? What exposure works best with each lens? What about depth of field?

Six months into this year-long challenge, I often enjoy putting my own spin on the prompt rather than taking what I feel is a “standard” photo. I’m enjoying playing with composition, lighting, angles, bokeh, cropping, editing, colors – or lack thereof…

For example, “Dog,” one of my favorites this month, centers the photo on Sheila’s lit eye with only part of her body showing. For “Look Up,” I lay on my porch to capture the underside of the light. Playing with color, I spotlight the sign in “Stop” and my favorite color in “National Selfie Day.” I feel using B&W and creative cropping for “Sunglasses” draws attention to my fabulous models’ sunglasses. The bokeh in “J is for…” highlights the peanut butter and dog kong treat.  My final photo for this month, “Lens Flare,” allowed me to stretch by choosing to capture flare rather than avoid it.

With Live Oak this month, I had the added element – and fun! – of maintaining my photo streak while volunteering and enjoying the festival. Moonshine Annie gladly posed for me for “Butterfly”; I searched all over until I found some United States Postal Service boxes at the SLO Botanical Gardens for “Mail”; I wandered around snapping pics of “Food,” which is why my Live Oak post has so many food pics!

Halfway through this photo challenge…I’ve learned so much and have so much more to learn!  It’s a journey rather than a destination…

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
June 1:  From a Distance June 11:  Vehicle June 21:  National Selfie Day
June 2:  Empty June 12:  Transport June 22:  J is for…
June 3:  Look Up June 13:  Insect June 23:  Upside Down
June 4:  Messy June 14:  Food June 24:  Sunglasses
June 5:  Mother June 15:  Mail June 25:  Turquoise
June 6:  Dog June 16:  Butterfly June 26:  Sandwich
June 7:  Half Empty/Half Full June 17:  Street Light June 27:  Window
June 8:  World Ocean Day June 18:  Closed June 28:  Blueberry
June 9:  Stop June 19:  Kitchen June 29:  Action
June 10:  Macro June 20:  Made from Wood June 30:  Lens Flare

June 1:  From a Distance

June 2:  Empty

June 3:  Look Up

June 4:  Messy

June 5:  Mother

June 6:  Dog

June 7:  Half Empty/Half Full

June 8:  World Ocean Day

June 9:  Stop

June 10:  Macro

June 11:  Vehicle

June 12:  Transport

June 13:  Insect

June 14:  Food

June 15:  Mail

June 16:  Butterfly

June 17:  Street Light

June 18:  Closed

June 19:  Kitchen

June 20:  Made from Wood

June 21:  National Selfie Day

June 22:  J is for…

June 23:  Upside Down

June 24:  Sunglasses

June 25:  Turquoise

June 26:  Sandwich

June 27:  Window

June 28:  Blueberry

June 29:  Action

June 30:  Lens Flare

Sheila and I decided to take a mini-trip in Addie to Santa Barbara.  We arrived on Monday at the Santa Barbara Elks (located in Goleta 🙂 ) and enjoyed exploring Santa Barbara yesterday with my cousins Stephanie and Leslie.  So fun to catch up and chat about our families, our mothers, and family lore.

Today, Sheila and I hiked the San Roque Creek trail (thank you for the suggestion, AllTrails!).  I’m a bit out of practice!  I had the map, so I could have noticed there were creek crossings and, therefore, brought my poles.  My poles, though, remained ensconced in Addie…  Once, I took my shoes off; another time, I stepped in the creek in my waterproof boots; and finally, I found a branch to use as a pole!  🤣

Regardless, it was a beautiful hike.  Until I got to the first creek crossing, I was thinking PERFECT!  My favorite – tree covered hike with the sound of water and some “waterfalls.”  Okay, because I forgot my poles, I’ll give it a 100% and me a 99%!









May Photo Challenge!

This was a bimodal month. Some days, especially at the beginning of the month, the prompts were uninspiring; subsequently, my images were uninspired.

Other days, I had a blast with the prompts and the photos they stimulated.

My favorite of the month: “Music” Not only am I super-pleased with the photo itself, a B&W image of my brother Sammy playing his guitar with my lens focused on his hands and the guitar rather than on his face, but also the memory of the event delights me. My “fifth” brother Eric came to LA from NY for a short visit. I drove down to the San Fernando Valley, had dinner with Eric and my brothers Shawn and Marshall, and went with them to see Sammy play at the jam he organizes at The Last Call in Tarzana. Perfect evening with family – and perfect time to take photos related to that day’s prompt!

Another photo that speaks to me: “Peas” I struggled all day to take a picture which met that prompt. That evening, my grandson Greyson and I watched the second Harry Potter movie (following watching the Star Wars movies in Star Wars chronological order, we’ve now moved onto the Harry Potter series). In the final scene at the end-of-the-year celebratory dinner, I noticed big platters of PEAS! After taking Greyson home, I returned to the movie, paused it at the table scene, and snapped my pic. For this photo, the story behind the photo sparks more meaning to me than the photo itself.

Other photos of note: “Funny” of the Caganer from my first trip to Barcelona; “Crayons” which Emmett helped me create; “Silly” because, yes, I forgot to put my memory card in my camera before heading out on a hike to take photos; “Hidden” due to the colors and composition; and “Mirror” with Sheila watching me through the mirror from one of her five (yep, five!) dog beds.

P.S. Haha! Surprise! No photo of ice cream for “Can’t Live Without.”

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
May 1:  Tripod May 12:  Earth May 23:  Flower
May 2:  M is for… May 13:  In My Head May 24:  Peas
May 3:  Food May 14:  Hidden May 25:  Architecture
May 4:  Open May 15:  Can’t Live Without May 26:  Funny
May 5:  Pink May 16:  Silly May 27:  Money
May 6:  Macro May 17:  Crayons May 28:  Look Down
May 7:  Skyline May 18:  Grass May 29:  Pasta
May 8:  35MM May 19:  Texture May 30:  Socks
May 9:  Clean May 20:  Music May 31:  Towel
May 10:  Mirror May 21:  Kite  
May 11:  Poetry May 22:  Opposites  

May 1:  Tripod

May 2:  M is for…

May 3:  Food

May 4:  Open

May 5:  Pink

May 6:  Macro

May 7:  Skyline

May 8:  35MM

May 9:  Clean

May 10:  Mirror

May 11:  Poetry

May 12:  Earth

May 13:  In My Head

May 14:  Hidden

May 15:  Can’t Live Without

May 16:  Silly

May 17:  Crayons

May 18:  Grass

May 19:  Texture

May 20:  Music

May 21:  Kite

May 22:  Opposites

May 23:  Flower

May 24:  Peas

May 25:  Architecture

May 26:  Funny

May 27:  Money

May 28:  Look Down

May 29:  Pasta

May 30:  Socks

May 31:  Towel

April Photo Challenge!

This month’s challenge began with me in Ireland, as is reflected in my initial images. My Burren Way trek took me to Cliffs of Moher (“Bokeh”), Cahercommaun Fort (“Next to You”), and the Aran island of Inis Mór (“A is for…”). Listening to music (“Table”) and sipping tea (“Comfort”) highlight two of my favorite indoor activities.

I captured one of my more powerful, to me, photos (“Outside”) while wandering around St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin. The memorial commemorating the famine struck me as important, especially since I hadn’t previously noted many monuments about the famine. I first took a photo of the full installation of emaciated individuals before choosing to focus on one person feeding another with a spoon. I feel this close-up more poignantly tells the story.

Returning home, I had to snap a pic of Sheila (“Hair”), knowing that pretty much any prompt would work for her! Given that the prompt “Date Night” occurred two days after I returned, there was no choice but to babysit so I could take this photo! 🙂

My mother-in-law, Maxine (z”l), analyzed astrological charts and handwrote her results. For “Handwriting,” I took a random shot of the scroll she wrote for me. Shocked, I noticed that the part that was in focus said I’m “genial, optimistic, tolerant, and happy.” Yes, Maxini, I am!


Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
April 1:  Bokeh April 11:  Hair April 21:  Your Neighborhood
April 2:  Table April 12:  Small April 22:  Earth Day
April 3:  Favorite Time of Day April 13:  Date Night April 23:  Favorite Flower
April 4:  Cereal April 14:  Peaches April 24:  Potato
April 5:  Next to You April 15:  Periwinkle April 25:  Passover
April 6:  Comfort April 16:  Refreshing April 26:  Nature
April 7:  Games April 17:  Spoon April 27:  Kids
April 8:  Golden April 18:  Lines April 28:  Handwriting
April 9:  A is for… April 19:  Food April 29: Graffiti
April 10:  Outside April 20:  Sidewalk April 30:  Kiss

April 1:  Bokeh

April 2:  Table

April 3:  Favorite Time of Day

April 4:  Cereal

April 5:  Next to You

April 6:  Comfort

April 7:  Games

April 8:  Golden

April 9:  A is for…

April 10:  Outside

April 11:  Hair

April 12:  Small

April 13:  Date Night

April 14:  Peaches

April 15:  Periwinkle

April 16:  Refreshing

April 17:  Spoon

April 18:  Lines

April 19:  Food

April 20:  Sidewalk

April 21:  Your Neighborhood

April 22:  Earth Day

April 23:  Favorite Flower

April 24:  Potato

April 25:  Passover

April 26:  Nature

April 27:  Kids

April 28:  Handwriting

April 29:  Graffiti

April 30:  Kiss

March Photo Challenge!

As I consider each day what I want to shoot, I often think about how I can creatively capture an image that speaks to me. Sometimes, I interpret the prompts literally (“Friends”) and, other times, a bit more tangentially (“Daffodil”). There are a few photos that I had fun finding a different angle (“Go”) and others that are more conventional (“Clouds”). Some were complete failures! I tried to capture Emmett and Sheila playing together – and failed. One or the other – or both – kept moving. 🤣 I had to settle on a screengrab from a video of him playing the saxophone (Sheila’s rubber chicken!) for “Heart.”

Later in the month while in Ireland, I enjoyed combining my love of travel with my interest in photography. Using my daily prompts, I frequently would use the cue to document a site (for example, “Pillow” for Kilkenny Castle or the figurehead of a woman in front of the Titanic Museum for “World Water Day”).

The photo of “Love,” of course, needs no explanation. ❤️

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
March 1:  Panning March 12:  My Town March 23:  Healthy
March 2:  Inside March 13:  Lips March 24:  Button
March 3:  Old March 14:  Frozen March 25:  Macro
March 4:  Daffodil March 15:  Text March 26:  Inspiration
March 5:  Silence March 16:  Favorite Pie March 27:  Street
March 6:  Clouds March 17:  Heart March 28:  Pillow
March 7:  Friends March 18:  Fuzzy March 29:  Food
March 8:  Feet March 19:  Sweet March 30:  Maps
March 9:  M is for… March 20:  Laugh March 31:  Love
March 10:  Go  March 21:  Spring  
March 11:  Use Your Imagination March 22:  World Water Day  

March 1:  Panning

March 2:  Inside

March 3:  Old

March 4:  Daffodil

March 5:  Silence

March 6:  Clouds

March 7:  Friends

March 8:  Feet

March 9:  M is for…

March 10:  Go

March 11:  Use Your Imagination

March 12:  My Town

March 13:  Lips

March 14:  Frozen

March 15:  Text

March 16:  Favorite Pie

March 17:  Heart

March 18:  Fuzzy

March 19:  Sweet

March 20:  Laugh

March 21:  Spring

March 22:  World Water Day

March 23:  Healthy

March 24:  Button

March 25:  Macro

March 26:  Inspiration

March 27:  Street

March 28:  Pillow

March 29:  Food

March 30:  Maps

March 31:  Love

February Photo Challenge!

This month has been more of a challenge than last month.  The prompts infrequently inspired me, and I can see that following through with this commitment for 366 days will be, yes, a CHALLENGE. Regardless, there are a few photos that I really like.  My favorite from a creative perspective is “Transportation.”  Of course, I also love the photo of “Grey” (how fortunate that my grandson’s name is Grey!).  This month, I had a bit of help from a couple of friends, Nanine as model for “Portrait” and Astrid as advisor and dog-holder for “Diamond.”  Given this year has 366 days and the official challenge only has 365 days, I picked – surprise! – “Sheila” for my bonus pic.

One of my most meaningful photos, “Movement,” captures a runner at the Cuesta College track meet following the dedication of a bench celebrating my friends Melinda and Will’s son, Willie, who died two years ago and who ran “like he had an important message to deliver.”

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
February 1:  Food February 11:  Super Bowl Sunday February 21:  Lucky
February 2:  Books February 12:  Adventure February 22:  A Beautiful Sight
February 3:  Fresh February 13:  Couples February 23:  Movement
February 4:  Grey February 14:  Hobby February 24:  Refresh
February 5:  Surprise February 15:  Bike February 25:  Garden
February 6:  New February 16:  Portrait February 26:  Green
February 7:  Macro February 17:  3:00 P.M. February 27:  Culture
February 8:  Transportation February 18:  F is for… February 28:  Hand
February 9:  Frosty February 19:  Rain February 29:  Sheila
February 10:  Year of the Dragon February 20:  Diamond  

February 1:  Food

February 2:  Books

February 3:  Fresh

February 4:  Grey

February 5:  Surprise

February 6:  New

February 7:  Macro

February 8:  Transportation

February 9:  Frosty

February 10:  Year of the Dragon

February 11:  Super Bowl Sunday

February 12:  Adventure

February 13:  Couples

February 14:  Hobby

February 15:  Bike

February 16:  Portrait

February 17:  3:00 P.M.

February 18:  F is for…

February 19:  Rain

February 20:  Diamond

February 21:  Lucky

February 22:  A Beautiful Sight

February 23:  Movement

February 24:  Refresh

February 25:  Garden

February 26:  Green

February 27:  Culture

February 28:  Hand

February 29:  Sheila

Addie has been feeling a bit left out since Sheila entered my life.  Not only did it turn out that a storage spot became available for Addie soon after I adopted Sheila, but also I’ve taken Addie only on a few short excursions since my west coast trip last summer.

Today, Sheila and I hopped into Addie and drove up to Moonstone Beach in Cambria, exercising Addie’s generator along the way.

These are a few images I know we all enjoyed!



January Photo Challenge!

Primarily using the prompts from expertphotography.com, I captured images using mainly my camera and sometimes my phone or tablet.  For the first month of this year-long project, I found some of the prompts challenging (“Feathers” on a cloudy windy day), some sweet (“Cuddle Toy” with Emmett’s very very important stuffies), and some fun (“Made Me Smile” with Sheila).  A few times, I asked permission of the subject (“Coffee“) before taking the photo.  Other times, the subject realized that I was taking a photo and played along (“Leading Lines“). Now and then, I would take only one photo and use that; other days, I would capture multiple images and select one to post.  Although I took the posted photo on the assigned date, there were some days I would take it at the start of the day and other days when I would wait until the very end of the day.  Only a couple of times did I delay posting that day’s photo until the next day or so.

What have I learned so far?

1) This challenge will be a challenge!  We’ll see if I make it through all 366 days of 2024!

2) Focusing on my photography gratifies me.  It’s fun to think about each day’s prompt and how I can capture my interpretation of the prompt.

3) Camera lens choice helps create the image I have in my mind.  With three lenses, selecting the right lens is key.

4) I enjoy developing photos in Lightroom and want to get better at editing.  Of course, the better my initial photos, the less editing is needed.

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
January 1:  Resolution January 12:  Shopping January 23:  Fish
January 2:  Excitement January 13:  Close January 24:  Shallow Depth of Field
January 3:  Macro January 14:  Home January 25:  J is for…
January 4:  Breakfast January 15:  Landscape January 26:  Leading Lines
January 5:  Sky January 16:  Fire January 27:  Crisp
January 6:  Free January 17:  Boots January 28:  Lunch
January 7:  Cuddle Toy January 18:  Technology January 29:  Pickle
January 8:  Chaos January 19:  Stars January 30:  Letters
January 9:  Cat January 20:  Coffee January 31:  Feathers
January 10:  Made Me Smile January 21:  Homemade  
January 11:  Food January 22:  White  

January 1:  Resolution

January 2: Excitement

January 3: Macro

January 4: Breakfast

January 5: Sky

January 6: Free

January 7: Cuddle Toy

January 8: Chaos

January 9: Cat

January 10: Made Me Smile (Sheila with the “toy zoomies” and wanting me to toss her toy during yoga savasana)

January 11:  Food

January 12:  Shopping

January 13:  Close

January 14:  Home

January 15:  Landscape

January 16:  Fire

January 17:  Boots (“These Boots are Made for Walking“)

January 18:  Technology

January 19:  Stars

January 20:  Coffee

January 21:  Homemade

January 22:  White

January 23:  Fish

January 24:  Shallow Depth of Field

January 25:  J is for…

January 26:  Leading Lines

January 27:  Crisp

January 28:  Lunch

January 29:  Pickle

January 30:  Letters

January 31:  Feathers

The only way to get better at something is to practice, practice, practice.

I love photography.  AND I want to get better at it.

From one of my FujiFilm photography groups, I learned about the 365 Photo Challenge (366 this year due to Leap Day!).  Every day, I will attempt to post a photo based, when possible, on a prompt from expertphotography.com.  (This is supposed to be fun!  If I miss a day and make up for it later, so be it!)

My vision is to break up the year into the months and post the prompt and photo for that day. 

On with the challenge!!!
















