ne place on the “must see” list I drafted before embarking on this adventure: The Outer Banks. Wow! Gorgeous!
Today, I wandered up to Corolla and the Currituck Lighthouse before meandering down to Kill Devil Hills. Such terrific views and excellent weather! Dinner of jerk seasoned grilled tuna with mango salsa at a seaside shack delighted my taste buds. All in all, a great day!
Whalehead Club.


Great Egret.


Currituck Beach Light Station: Built 1875, still working, 220 steps to the top, unpainted brick (estimate 1,000,000 bricks).


Inside of the Currituck Lighthouse.


Natural frame!


Looking down the 220 stairs.


The Bonzer Shack for dinner, including live music.


I spent the day soaking in the stories of Colonial Williamsburg. Most enlightening to me were the many conversations with tradespeople. Colonial Williamsburg, with over 200 employees all of whom are vaccinated, hires and trains tradespeople to create 18th Century wares. Apprentices, nearly all with college degrees, achieve five skill levels, often taking five years. After that, they work as journeypeople and, if opportunities arise, as masters/mistresses. Most apprentices who leave do so after their first year. Otherwise, they tend to remain at Williamsburg since there are few other locations requiring their skills. In addition to learning one of the 20 trades found at Williamsburg, they research history, interpret for visitors, and share via social media.

Governor’s Palace garden.


One of many archeological digs, this one near a church.


One of many homes in the historic district. About 40 homes are still occupied as residences.


Tin tradeswoman who did a great job explaining how tin differs from silver.


One of my favorites, the Wheelwright. Great details with clear explanations.


Virginia state capital.


Martha Washington, who gave an enlightening performance explaining “her” role in the Revolution and answering questions from the audience.


The courthouse interpreter dispensed intriguing information about legal processes in colonial times. For example, judges were local men (white, property owners, Protestant) who had the time but not necessarily the legal background.


Another cool house.


A cotton flower!

Where there’s horse poop, there are horses! Walking around Assateague, I found many piles of fresh horse poop – and then a bunch of wild horses! I attempted to view the ponies at Chincoteague, but they decided to hide from me. Elk, birds, squirrels – oh, yes, I saw them. Ponies? Not so much! HOWEVER…I found a lighthouse!!!
The drive from Chincoteague to Williamsburg via the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel dazzled me with its 17.6 miles of captivating views, long tunnels, and sleek bridges!









Early this morning, Melanie sauntered, via Uber!, to the airport to return to SLO. It was so much fun completing our annual walking marathon. As many of you know, she and I have a commitment to walk a marathon together each year, until we can’t. Then we’ll do a half-marathon, until we can’t. Then a 10K, until we can’t. Then a 5K – pushing our walkers! The Covid change to our annual adventure necessitated our creating our own marathon. We’re liking the lack of time stress with our informal events. Of course it means longer on our feet, but we end up with no muscle ache.
Today, I treated myself to new Birkenstocks! Not related to the marathon! I wore a hole in my favorite pair of sandals, so I found a Famous Footwear along my route and bought a new pair.
Now, I’m at Assateague State Park. It’s windy and rainy. I’m hoping it calms down a bit. I want to see the ponies tomorrow! I saw their “leavings” when I walked around earlier today; hopefully, I’ll see the animals themselves tomorrow.
Happy tootsies.


Addie looking for horses.

Mellow day sauntering around DC with Melanie.
Although we got tix to the African-American Museum, entry was disorganized and frustrating, so we moved to the sculpture and art museums. And then to a cafe with adult beverages! An afternoon of sipping and relaxing culminated in meeting up with my brother Eric for a bite…and another drink or two.
There are many ways to recover from a marathon!







For about ten years, my friend Melanie and I walk a marathon each year. Last year due to covid, we created our own marathon in San Luis Obispo. This year with my Road Trip Adventure and Mel’s work commitments, Mel flew out to DC so we could complete this year’s marathon. Hence, our 2021 DC Marathon Extravaganza!
We explored the Arlington and DC areas, including: Arlington Cemetery, Theodore Roosevelt Island, Georgetown, Kennedy Center, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, White House, Washington Monument, World War II Monument, Capitol Building, Supreme Court, Library of Congress, Botanical Gardens, and Jefferson Memorial. Wowza!!! No wonder I feel tired now!
Before pic.


Crew team on the Potomac with Washington Monument in the background.


Lady Bird Johnson Park.


Kennedy Memorial.


Arlington Cemetery.


Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


Francis Scott Key Bridge.


Theodore Roosevelt Monument.


Trail on Theodore Roosevelt Island.


Guess where we are now?!


Statue in Georgetown.


Lincoln Memorial.


Vietnam Memorial with Washington Monument in the background.


The White House – surrounded by protective fencing.


WWII Memorial fountain with Lincoln Memorial in the background.


Capitol Building.


Ulysses S. Grant Memorial.


Melanie on the National Mall.


Pano of the Capitol Building.


Supreme Court.


Smithsonion Rose Garden.


Jefferson Memorial.


Thomas Jefferson.


After pic!

Triple digits! I can’t believe this is Day 100!!!
And what a treat today! Melanie joined me in DC for a long weekend! Okay, it was a bit of a hassle to figure out where to park Addie since she’s too tall to fit in any of the parking garages near our hotel. We dropped her off at a Park and Ride in Alexandria, a few Metro stops away from our hotel in Arlington.
With Addie settled for the weekend, Mel and I headed into DC to get a feel for the location and hit our first museum, American History – think First Ladies, wars, and the Star Spangled Banner. Following happy hour, we wandered over the the Washington Monument, lit up for the night.
Much more excitement tomorrow, too!
Our first Metro ride of this trip!


One of the many Smithsonian museums.




Built in 1776, the Continental gunboat Philadelphia.


National Museum of American History.


trump hotel.


Washington Monument.


The Capitol Building.


Lincoln Memorial.


Looking up at the Washington Monument. We counted – there are 50 flags surrounding the monument.

Pivot! The weather cooperated less than I would have liked today – foggy, wet, etc. – and I didn’t feel like hiking in the rain, so…left Shenandoah, found a laundromat, ran errands, etc. Now I’m parked at tonight’s Harvest Host, Quattro Goombas Winery. 🙂

Addie telling me she thinks it’s not a good idea to hike in the rain today.


Caption this:

So y’all know my middle name is “Flexible,” right? 
I booked Pequea for four nights thinking I might get my Covid booster. However, I’m not eligible – I’m Team Moderna, no underlying conditions, and six months since my second shot is October 8.
Although I really enjoyed Pequea and Lancaster County, a further look at the map lead me to say, hey, how about spending that fourth night in Shenandoah NP! I booked a campsite, and here I am!
The weather is a bit less cooperative – cloudy, misty, rainy – AND the views still engage me. The trees are changing – about a third have bright red, orange, and yellow leaves. Excellent!








Okay. I’m going to admit it right from the start. This hike was a bit more strenuous with steeper trails and more bouldering than I first imagined. Probably should have brought my trekking poles and worn my hiking boots, but…whatever! It was challenging and FUN! Nothing two feet and two hands couldn’t handle. And I created my own walking stick from a nearby fallen branch. So all good! 
It was supposed to be out and back on the Conestoga Trail. However after looking at my PAPER MAP and AllTrails app, I turned off on another trail and walked the final two miles on easy roads back to camp. 🙂
Duh! I of course found a waterfall!


Bridge reflected in the water where Pequea Creek meets the Susquehanna River.


Autumn trail.


Wind Cave.


Fall colors – and well-worn shoes.


Susquehanna River through the trees.




Corn hanging to dry in a barn. My guess? It’s meant for animal feed rather than human consumption.


Intriguing vines climbing a tree.


The nearby covered bridge with the beginnings of fall foliage.

Ah! Just what the doctor ordered: a day of relaxation!
The past few nights, I’ve gone to bed too late so I got less sleep than I need. Last night, I tucked myself into bed around 9pm and fell straight to sleep. Today, I woke up refreshed – and knowing that I needed a rest day.
In the morning, I hung out reading in Addie (The Searcher by Tana French, a mystery) and walked around the campground including the nearby covered bridge. After lunch, I drove the quiet backroads to a local hardware store for propane. Surprisingly – at least to me! – the store was owned and staffed by Amish. This was in stark contrast to the Amish farmers I saw plowing their field with horse-drawn equipment! Anyone have info on the Amish you’d like to share?
This afternoon, I decided to read by my campfire. At this campground, for $10 they delivered over 20 pieces of wood!
Yep, this relaxing day is exactly what I needed!
Addie – keeping guard at my campsite.


Colemanville Covered Bridge, originally built in 1856 and rebuilt in 1992.


Pequea Creek through the natural frame of a window in the covered bridge.


Relaxing in Addie…


…and relaxing by my campfire.

Many thanks to Dennis, Vanessa, and Anna for hosting me in Princeton!

This morning, I left their cool town and drove to Longwood Gardens, former home of DuPont and GM leader Pierre du Pont. Beautiful gardens, fountains, trees, flowers!!!
On my way to my campground, I dodged several buggies driven by Amish. I guess I’m not in Kansas anymore!
The many colors of autumn.


Rose garden.


Natural frame in the Conservatory.


Amazing chrysanthemums!


Another gorgeous chrysanthemum.


In front of the orchid wall.


Italian garden.


Tough to pass when there are no shoulders, a solid double line, and a hill.

Today’s ultra-busy day started with a Dutch Baby Pancake for breakfast, made by chef Dennis. With this nourishment, Dennis, Anna, and I embarked on our tour of Princeton. So little time, so many places to see!
Note: I was born in New Jersey! My parents lived in Philadelphia, but my mom’s doctor had privileges at the hospital across the river in Camden!
What I learned:
1. The Battle of Princeton turned the Revolutionary War around with Washington outsmarting the British by firing cannons from one direction and ambushing the enemy soldiers from the other direction.
2. The Clarke House where the Battle of Princeton occurred, on January 3, 1777, now holds tours to share the story of General Hugh Mercer (did you know triangular bayonet wounds can not be sewn up?) and Dr. Benjamin Rush (a signer of the Declaration of Independence).
3. Chartered in 1746 as the College of New Jersey, Princeton is the fourth-oldest college in the United States. Nassau Hall, Princeton’s first building, sustained a cannon attack in the Revolutionary War. In 1783, the building served as the nation’s capitol, housing the Continental Congress from June to November. It was in Nassau Hall that the news of the peace treaty with Great Britain was received.
4. The eating clubs at Princeton University are private institutions resembling both dining halls and social houses. Each eating club occupies a large mansion, all but one on Prospect Avenue.
5. Construction on Palmer Square began in 1929 and included demolishing a historic African-American neighborhood. The Witherspoon-Jackson neighborhood, where many African American residents were relocated by the Palmer Square project, was officially designated as Princeton’s 20th Historic District in 2016.
6. John Witherspoon (1723-1794), Princeton’s sixth president and founding father of the United States, had a complex relationship to slavery. Though he advocated revolutionary ideals of liberty and personally tutored several free Africans and African Americans in Princeton, he himself owned slaves and both lectured and voted against the abolition of slavery in New Jersey. (https://slavery.princeton.edu/stories/john-witherspoon)
7. Aaron Burr, infamous for killing Alexander Hamilton, lies buried in the Princeton Cemetery.
I think this is enough history for one day!
Dennis making a Dutch Baby Pancake!


The Clarke House where a Quaker family tended both American and British wounded during the Battle of Princeton.


Riding the Princeton Tiger!


Nassau Hall with a cannon marker.


Fountain in the reflecting pool.


Now for a series of natural frame photos!






“In place of numerous old wooden houses and tenements which are not only unsightly but which also form a great fire hazard, there will be two large apartment houses of the ‘garden’ type…Palmer Square would re-route all commercial traffic towards a central town square.” http://www.princetonmagazine.com/palmer-square-a-look-back


Ice cream from the Bent Spoon.


Hamilton and Burr!

There’s something about spending time with long time friends that feeds my soul. The history, the authenticity, the stories… I’ve hung out with so many long time (and newer!) friends this trip – and today was no different.
I woke up relatively early – for me! – and journeyed from NYC to Plainview, where Mindy and Ralph greeted me with coffee and conversation. They took great care of my Addie!
Next, I drove to 40 year friend Dennis‘ house, where I enjoyed chatting with Dennis, his wonderful wife Vanessa, and their terrific daughter Anna. Pizza, martinis, and a campfire – what more could a person want?!
I look forward to exploring Princeton tomorrow with Dennis and Anna while Vanessa refines her Girl Scout leader first aid and CPR skills.
Addie! I missed you!


Dennis, Vanessa, and Anna.

Wowza! With month #3 of this AMAZING adventure in the books, I’d like to share a few of my reflections:
Weather: September’s weather has been so much better than August’s weather!!! It was weird and amazing – as soon as the calendar changed from August 31 to September 1, the heat and humidity subsided. Yayyyy!!!!!!
Friends: This month’s treat has been spending time with friends and family. Catching up with these wonderful people, in of course a covid-safe manner, highlights the power of relationships. Many thanks and much love to all of you who have shared time with me – this month and every other month of my adventure.
Re-reading travel log: Oh my! I sure have covered a lot of territory, had many adventures, and seen a plethora of sights! When relaxing (yes, I do relax now and then!), I will sometimes go to my travel log and search for a random date. Up pops a previous adventure, sparking memories, smiles, and reflection. My travel log presents a great opportunity for me to consider at day’s end what occurred that day and, especially now that so much time has passed, reflect on past escapades.
Re-entry: Now that I’ve completed three months of my five month adventure, my mind slowly turns to life after this trip. When I retired in December 2020, I changed my focus from my students to Addie and my journey. Preparing for this adventure encompassed the first half of the year; the road trip itself comprises most of the second half of the year. I know that re-entry will be an adventure in itself! What will I do with all that space in my 1100 square foot, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom condo?! What will I do with Addie? Where will I travel next? What will I do with my time? So many questions!!!


Ontario (Canadian Falls)


New York (Niagara Falls)




New Hampshire






Rhode Island


New York


With Concha and Fred (Michigan)


With Joel (Maine)


With Noni (Massachusetts)


With Susie and Steve (Rhode Island)


With Mindy and Ralph (New York)


With Mia (New York)


With Emily (New York)


With Lissie (New York)


With Eric and Lisa (New York)